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Green building is based on environmentally friendly materials

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Green building is based on environmentally friendly materials Empty Green building is based on environmentally friendly materials

Post  Admin Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:30 pm

Green building is the efficient use of resources of the building, namely energy-saving, environmental protection, comfortable and healthy buildings. Choose green building materials should follow the following two principles: one is to try to use the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, you can re-use, reusable, renewable use) materials; another is the choice of non-toxic, harmless, non- pollution of the environment on human health beneficial materials and products, it is best to have the State Environmental Protection logo materials and products. outdoor floor

Compared with the traditional building materials, new building materials can not only reduce energy consumption, but also rational use of industrial waste. New building materials not only does not pollute the indoor environment, but also beneficial to human health, help to improve the built environment can play a mold, noise, heat, sterilization, temperature control, humidity control, dimming, flame retardant, deodorant effect. New environmentally friendly building materials production process does not pollute the environment, does not generate new waste, and most can be recycled.

From the point of view of market conditions, the majority of companies do not understand their own production or sale of building materials products comply with national standards, let alone in accordance with national standards of production or sales of building materials. Best waterproof flooring

Modern social and economic development, infrastructure and housing construction scale is growing. Mass production and use of building materials to improve the human living environment provides material security, but also paid the excessive consumption of energy and serious environmental pollution cost. Therefore, in order to protect the environment and achieve sustainable building design, raw materials must be included in the environmental impact of the measure of the standard system of architectural value. Architecture is derived from natural and return to nature, and its use of the material should not cause harm to humans and the surrounding environment. In Clay, for example, its production process will destroy the soil environment.

From the perspective of sustainable development, the use of wood in construction should be more prudent. Large-scale felling of trees will lead to a series of problems, such as increased transportation energy consumption, undermining the local economic environment and ecological environment. Environment-friendly building should have superior durability, easy maintenance and management, with little or no release of harmful substances released. In order to achieve the goal of sustainable development, the negative environmental impact of building materials to minimize construction techniques required to develop pollution-free and environment-friendly building materials. For example, the use of industrial waste (fly ash, slag, coal gangue, etc.) the production of cement, brick and other building materials, the use of waste foam wall insulation board production, the use of waste glass production veneer materials. This approach can be used both industrial waste, reduce environmental pollution, but also save natural resources.
The future will become the mainstream of energy saving materials

Energy saving materials in the construction sector has been widely used in the future will become the market mainstream. It is understood that Europe has set off a revolution in architecture. It is expected that future housing only to achieve energy self-sufficiency, but also the remaining energy input grid. This is one of the new requirements of the construction industry.

The use of environmentally friendly building materials for the construction industry into a "new blood." Environmentally friendly building materials not only solve the widespread concern of environmental pollution problems, but also to achieve a rational use of resources and recycling, the building design and construction tends to be more perfect.

Green building is based on environmentally friendly materials. By vigorously promoting the use of environmentally friendly building materials, the use of modern high-tech tools for the design, construction, use of pollution-free production technology, building sustainable development will gradually become a reality. Green building is consistent with sustainable development concept of the building, is the harmony between mankind and nature of the product, is a symbol of human civilization. Have a sense of protection of the living environment, and create a good living environment, to create a harmonious green homes. cheap outdoor flooring


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